On frail ground.
(Duo Exhibiton)

Curated Art Claims Impulse
Exhibition: 19.05.2020 – 31.05.2020

Location: feldfünf Berlin





*Please read the exhibition notes below in the text!

In the exhibition "On frail ground", works by the artists Petja Ivanova and Mihai Grecu are set into a dialogue..


Petja Ivanova

Mihai Grecu

The tenor and the undertone that the works of art have, could be described as the 'creation of an existential feeling'; a feeling of fragility, of imminent collapse. Rigid monuments of an ideology expressed in cement are attacked by forces of nature and show their last absurd steadfastness. Barren surfaces show fragile shining traces of human existence. Delicate derma structures are clothed and protected by a polysaccharide material inherent to fungi, arthropods, and molluscs, which leads to the creation of a new hybrid. Are we at the beginning of a changing materialism and repositioning in the Anthropocene?

Petja Ivanova

Petja born in Shumen, Bulgaria and based in Berlin, Petja graduated from the University of Arts Berlin in the class for Computational Art/Generative Art in 2015. In her trans-disciplinary practice she combines archaeology, biology, physics, computation and the poetic in order to promote the ‘poetic method’ as a counterweight to the socially dominating ‘scientific method’, understanding this practice in non-linear relation with Fluxus & Avantgarde. She runs Studio for Poetic Futures and Speculative Ecologies out of a little caravan in Berlin. Early in her artistic work with electronics and sensors she began to include mythological approaches, the magical and non-quantifiable to analyses these connections in terms of deep time of media/technology. Being a bit frustrated by the simple causalities in quantification she turned to overcoming the conceptual divide of what is natural and what is technological by working with crystals and electronic circuits and later on also with plants, microorganisms and now insects and bacteria.

Mihai Grecu

Mihai was born in Romania in 1981. After studying art and design in Romania and France, he has been pursuing his artistic research at the Fresnoy Studio of Contemporary Arts. Recurring topics such as environmental crisis, political allegories, new technologies and catastrophes articulate the whole of his exploration of mysterious and subconscious beginnings. These visual and poetic trips mix several techniques and may be seen as propositions for a new dream-oriented technology. His work has been shown and awarded in numerous film festivals (Tribeca, Locarno, Rotterdam, Festival of New Cinema in Montreal) and exhibitions ("Dans la nuit, des images" at the Grand Palais, "Labyrinth of my mind" at the Cube, "Video Short list: the Dream Machine" at the Passage du Retz, "Studio" at "Les Filles du Calvaire" Gallery).

Exhibition: 19.05.2020 – 31.05.2020














Open Map

Projektraum 4

Fromet-und-Moses-Mendelssohn-Platz 7-8

10969 Berlin

Important Information!

Due to Corona regulations and to avoid overcrowding the room, there will be no opening. Attention change! Due to the new relaxation of the Corona regulations, no more bookings will be necessary.

Rules for visiting the exhibition:
Only mouth and nose protection.
No more than 4 persons are allowed in the room at the same time.
The 1.5 meter distance rule to the next visitor applies.


Markgrafenstraße 86, 10969 Berlin T+493062853095 info@art-claims-impulse.com Wed-Sat 12:00 -18:00