Smarter Objects, Dani Ploeger at Positions Art Fair 2023

Smarter Objects, Dani Ploeger at Positions Art Fair.

This selection of work gives an insight into Dani Ploeger's long-term examination of the relationships between technologization and violence. Drawing from field research in sites of conflict and crisis on the fringes of the world of high-tech consumerism, his objects, videos and software investigate the paradoxes of Global Northern ideologies of progress. Since 2018, Ploeger has made several journeys to the EU-border fence between Serbia and Hungary where he developed border-interventions that combine performance, interactive sculpture, photography and video. In 2021, he intertwined simulations and materials from the Arabian Desert in a monument for the 30th anniversary of the end of the Gulf War (1990-91), commissioned by the Kuwait Pavilion at the Venice Architecture Biennale.
Dani Ploeger is an artist and cultural critic who works in a broad range of forms, from media art, installations and film to performance art, anarchist engineering and cultural theory. His artwork has been exhibited worldwide, for example at ZKM Karlsruhe, Venice Architecture Biennale, London Film Festival, transmediale, Museum of Fine Arts Leipzig and the Nairobi National Museum. His book Deserted Devices and Wasted Fences: Everyday technologies in extreme circumstances was published with Triarchy Press in 2021.
Dani is Professor of Performance and Technology at the University of Music and Theater Munich. In addition, he is a Research Fellow at The Royal Central School of Speech and Drama, University of London, Fellow at V2_Lab for the unstable media in Rotterdam and Honorary Research Fellow at the University of Rojava in North-East Syria.


2009 Loop Barcelona - Mihai Grecu "Coagulate"

2010 Arco Madrid - Julius von Bismarck und Benjamin Maus "Perpetual Storytelling Apparatus"
         Loop Barcelona - Maria Vedder "Schwelle"

2011 Loop Barcelona - Nia Burks - "Angry Gamers"

2013 Preview Berlin Art Fair
Marc Aschenbrenner "Figur im Wald", "Zweite Sonne", "imAbri" -  Mario Asef "Crossfade", "Palindrome" - Dave Ball "A to Z" - Nia Burks "Angry Gamers", "Pretty or Ugly", "White Sock Tracking" -  Sérgio Cruz "A Esposa", "Pastorinhos" - Flatform  "Movements of an impossible time", "Can not be anything agains the wind" - Mattias Härenstam "Inspite of it all" -  Silvia Lorenz - "Kafka II" - Jörg Piringer "Konsonant" -  Anna-Maria Sommer "Pentheselea"

Silvia Lorenz

born 1978 in Dresden (Germany/ East), since 2003 in Berlin and on the road.

Sculptor, especially in the field of aerospace -

My dialogue with space is driven by the doubt about existing forms and the search for a broader perspective: to fall out and look differently. Central themes are world(s) space and the existential question of the place of humans in "spaceship earth". Our actions, our being human, the waste and the traces we leave behind. The chosen form are temporary or often lightweight sculptures made of materials collected and reused from (our own) daily use, the street or construction sites. Among the sculptural heroes are plants and microorganisms, discarded monuments, street furniture or astronauts.

How will we have lived? Who will we have been?







"wind of change", 2019, courtyard Atelier House Mengerzeile, Berlin-Neukölln // "Zaun" 2019, German Cultural Center Timisoara, Romania // "Wand", 2018, exhibition space of IG Metall Berlin // "Kioskhaus" (with Peter Pilz), 2017-19, Land Art Eisenberg, Burgenland, Austria //






Silvia Lorenz

Born 1978 in Dresden, since 2003 in Berlin. From 2020, development of Atelier am Fuchsberg/ DD. 2003 M.A.
"with distinction" in Art History/Literature at the Technical University of Dresden, 2005-2009 scholarship of the German
National Academic Foundation, 2009 Sculpture Diploma at the School of Art Berlin-Weissensee/ Mart-Stam-Prize
for the diploma thesis "Incident", 2010 Master Student and Doctorate (summa cum laude) - Faculty Prize "Best Dissertation",
Faculty of Philosophy TUD / 2010 Elsa Neumann Year Scholarship of the City of Berlin. Since 2012 studio
grant by the Professional Association of Visual Artists of Berlin. Lectureships, scientific work, guest lecturer TUD and KHB,
2013-15 guest professor Kunsthalle am Hamburger Platz, project space of KHB, since 2016 guest lecturer Berlin Art
Institute. Member of the BBK Berlin, the association Landart Eisenberg (A) and the artist-noise band Psihoterapija

Since 2010 participation in national and international exhibitions, symposia, projects: 2010 Kunstraum Kreuzberg
Bethanien; Manege Gallery St. Petersburg; 2011 Museo Premoderne Umetnosti, Spodnij Hotic, SLO; 2012 Maison de
France, Berlin; 53rd October Salon Belgrade; 2014 Havenmuseum Rotterdam; 2016 II. MKH Biennale Halberstadt; 37th
Likovna Kolonia Jalovik, SRB; Flandernbunker, Kiel; 2017 Galerie Deux, Marseille; Skulpturenpark Land Art Eisenberg,
A; 2018 exhibition space of IG Metall Berlin; 2019 Deutsches Kulturinstitut Timisoara, RU.


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